Dec 14, 2019
StEER Product Release
StEER Releases Event Briefing on Mw 6.4 Albania Earthquake
The Structural Extreme Events Reconnaissance (StEER) Network is pleased to announce the release of its Event Briefing for the Mw 6.4 Albania Earthquake on November 26, 2019:
Tsai, Alicia; Hu, Fan; Gunay, Selim; Mosalam, Khalid; Kijewski-Correa, Tracy; Robertson, Ian; Prevatt, David; Roueche, David (2019) “StEER - 26 November, 2019 Albania, Mw 6.4 Earthquake: Event Briefing.” DesignSafe-CI.
Note while StEER did not deploy Field Assessment Structural Teams for this event, StEER is in communication with European teams who are deploying to the affected area and will work to process and disseminate the data collected by those efforts. Continue to monitor the #albania-earthquake Slack channel for details.