Oct 3, 2019
StEER Product Release
StEER Releases Event Briefing on Trio of Earthquakes
The Structural Extreme Events Reconnaissance (StEER) Network is pleased to announce the release of its Event Briefing for the trio of earthquakes in Albania, Kashmir and Turkey between September 21-24, 2019:
Gunay, Selim; Mosalam, Khalid; Kijewski-Correa, Tracy; Robertson, Ian; Prevatt, David; Roueche, David (2019) “StEER - 21 Sept., 2019 Albania, Mw 5.6; 24 Sept., 2019 Kashmir, Mw 5.6 and 26 Sept., 2019 Turkey, Mw 5.7 Earthquakes: Event Briefing.” DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.org/10.17603/ds2-h74x-fw82.
StEER may continue to engage its Virtual Structural Assessment Team (VAST) to collect and process additional public data relating to these earthquakes. These data may be used to develop a more detailed VAST reports to augment this preliminary briefing. StEER does not anticipate mobilizing any Field Assessment Structural Teams (FAST) in response to these events.