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Sep 14, 2020

StEER Product Release

StEER Releases Hybrid PVRR-EARR on Hurricane Laura

StEER has released a hybrid Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report-Early Access Reconnaissance Report (PVRR-EARR) for Hurricane Laura. The report is accessible at DesignSafe with the following citation information:

Roueche, D. Kameshwar, S. Marshall, J. Mashrur, N. Kijewski-Correa, T. Gurley, K. Afanasyeva, I. Brasic, G. Cleary, J. Golovichev, D. Lafontaine, O. Lombardo, F. Micheli, L. Phillips, B. Prevatt, D. Robertson, I. Schroeder, J. Smith, D. Strader, S. Wilson, M. Ambrose, K. Rawajfih, H. Rodriguez, L. (2020) "Hybrid Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report-Early Access Reconnaissance Report (PVRR-EARR)", in StEER - Hurricane Laura. DesignSafe-CI.

In order to balance the need to capture high-quality perishable data for this event while minimizing the exposure of its Field Assessment Structural Teams (FAST) and the impacted community, StEER organized a unique field response: swiftly mobilizing a series of FASTs to collect streetview panoramas between August 27 and September 12. This has resulted in over 500 miles of streetview imagery documenting the performance of residential and commercial construction, schools and critical facilities, as well as industrial facilities and power infrastructure at multiple points along the hazard gradient. These data, in addition to final curation in DesignSafe, are currently populating in Google Maps streetview platform and can be particularly advantageous in supporting the following future investigations recommended by StEER:

  • TOPIC 1: Performance of Post-Rita Structures particularly in light of the evolution of building codes in Louisiana

  • TOPIC 2: Performance of Modern Residential Structures, particularly with respect to garage doors, roof cover and water ingress

  • TOPIC 3: Performance of Manufactured Homes

  • TOPIC 4: Performance of power infrastructure

  • TOPIC 5: Performance of industrial facilities under multiple hazards

  • TOPIC 6: Public perceptions and assessment of building performance

Additionally, though outside the purview of traditional natural hazards engineering research, the following topics are equally worthy of continued investigation:

  • TOPIC I: Intersection of Design-Level Hurricane with COVID-19 Pandemic including impacts on evacuation decisions, impaired response and recovery actions, and case counts in affected areas

  • TOPIC II: Factors influencing preparation and mitigation activities

As always, we appreciate your collaboration in helping to Build Resilience through Reconnaissance. Please direct additional queries to

Date of Product Release:
September 14, 2020
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